Symptoms of autism How to recognize it? The management of this disorder depends essentially on the early detection of it. However, this remains insufficient. How to make the diagnosis earlier?
Symptoms of autism
Screening for autism in children is essential for management. "Typical" autism was first described by child psychiatrist Leo Kanner in 1943. Today, we talk more about autism spectrum disorders (ASD). They are recognized as since 1996.
The different forms of autism
Difficult to recognize the first signs of autism. Because there is not one but several disorders, depending on the severity, Asperger's syndrome being the least disabling form. Very important: Autism is not a mental illness, but a neurodevelopmental disorder.
Whatever the impairment, we can distinguish three types of problems:
- Communication disorders;
- Behavioral disorders;
- Disorders of social relations.
Video explaining Signs of Autism
Who is concerned ?
Contrary to popular belief, not all ASDs are associated with intellectual retardation. This is particularly the case with Asperger's syndrome. Only a third of people affected by autism have an intellectual disability of varying intensity.
Recognize the first signs
The problem is, the first signs of autism come on slowly, in subtle ways over the first three years of life.
Before three years
You need a set of symptoms to be able to make a diagnosis. While screening tools exist, healthcare professionals are poorly informed of the signs of autism, so the diagnosis is often made very late, often after three years. Whereas ideally these disorders should be detected before 18 months.
Some signals can alert parents:
- No babbling or gestures to communicate for one year;
- No word before the age of 18 months;
- No spontaneous two-word sentence for two years;
- A sudden loss of language skills or a sudden desocialization.
Other more discreet clues can also be evocative: few smiles in response to those given to her, hardly any response to the first name.
Be careful, these signs do not mean that the child has autism. Simply, it may be necessary to consider consulting a health professional who can detect a possible disorder. He will be able to detect a problem other than autism, which can result in similar symptoms: speech disorder, psychological problems.
Growing up
In detail, people with ASD:
- Seem inaccessible to others, have difficulty establishing connections and relationships. They also seem not to analyze the emotions of others, and do not understand facial expressions, quadratic or lying;
- May have language and non-verbal communication problems: the language is confused. Often the autistic echoes what he hears. We notice incessant repetitions of the same sentences ... Others do not speak at all, or have great difficulty interacting with other people. In addition, the codes of non-verbal communication (gaze gestures, etc.) are poorly mastered;
- May have repetitive behaviors such as swinging, clapping, turning, biting hands etc. As a result, they do not tolerate changes well and may have anxiety attacks or violent reactions in the event of the unexpected.
- Are very sensitive to light, physical contact, odors;
- Are prone to other health problems such as sleep disorders, anxiety or even depression, learning or attention disorders, epilepsy ...
What origins?
TSA s are linked to anomalies of antenatal neurodevelopment.
- Studies have shown that people with some form of autism have defects in the establishment and organization of certain networks in the brain;
- The alteration of several genes could also be involved;
- As for gender: men are statistically more affected than women (3 to 4 boys for a girl);
- A family history is also a risk factor;
- The alteration of several genes could also be involved;
- As for gender: men are statistically more affected than women (3 to 4 boys for a girl);
- A family history is also a risk factor;
What is certain is that autism is not due to a single factor.
MMR vaccine and autismContrary to what some may think, there is no evidence that the MMR vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella is responsible for the development of ASD.
Improve care
It is essential to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible. Moreover, the National Agency for Accreditation and Assessment in Health (ANAES) organized a consensus conference in 2004 to improve screening, by offering tools adapted to health professionals, parents or school staff. .
The situation then really changes with the launch of the Autism Plan by the government.
In order to be effective, the therapeutic approach must be multidisciplinary and focus on the development, education, socialization and well-being of the patient. It must be built with him and not for him. Concretely, this involves:
- Psycho-educational games for children to help them learn language, develop their cognitive, sensory, motor and social skills;
- Help with social integration so as not to put it aside but to integrate it into society;
- Behavioral and developmental methods like
- The ABA method (Applied Behavioral Analysis) which promotes the learning of basic behaviors;
- The TEACCH program (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children);
- PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) which allows people who do not have access to oral language to communicate using pictures.